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What does is mean to be a Christian in today's world?
Our Baptismal Covenant is the backbone of our faith,
and describes the ways in which we live out our faith as Christians.
The Way Forward Ministry seeks to explore how we can best come together as Christians to live more deeply into our faith, in the midst of the tumultuous unrest we see throughout our communities, the nation, and the world.
This ministry seeks to provide the parish with opportunities to fulfill the mission of the church, by engaging in conversations on a variety of social topics that lead to action, ultimately bringing us more closely together as a parish, and a broader Charlotte community.
We extend an invitation to the parish to get involved with The Way Forward!
We look forward to journeying with you, learning with you, exploring with you, and growing with you.

The Way Forward advocates for the people of
St. John’s to explore and live into our
Baptismal Covenant.
The Way Forward invites you to come and learn with us!! Here are a few on and off-campus offerings brought to you by TWF and our faith partner MeckMIN. Join us for one or more events! Contact Jackie John for more event details.
Regular work meetings - 3rd Wed/month, 6:30-8:00pm, Jackie John, 305
6:00pm - Rm 309
Join The Way Forward as we explore the deeper meaning of the Universal Christ.
January 15th - Seeing Christ in Community - ALL SAINTS
March 19th - Seeing Christ in the Other - THE SIX TRIPLE EIGHT
April 16th - Seeing Christ in Ourselves - RICHARD ROHR'S UNIVERSAL CHRIST

On Fall Sabbatical
“Sacred Ground is a 10-part film and readings based study that creates safe space for difficult, yet respectful and transformative dialogue on race and racism. This curriculum, grounded in faith, was developed by the national Episcopal Church. It is intended for small groups of 6-10 people and promotes empathic, prayerful listening, in confidentiality, free of argument or judgment.