Pastoral Care
"Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2
Pastoral support at St. John’s is about all of us (laity and clergy) working together to provide spiritual, emotional, and physical support to those in need. We offer many ministries to help. If you have an idea for a ministry that may be considered, please share your idea with one of the clergy or members of the Pastoral Care Team.

Your Pastoral Care Team
The Rev. Peter Floyd (Rector)
The Rev. Dr. Brad Smith (Sr. Assoc Rector)
The Rev. Deacon Wendy Merrill (Stephen Ministry)
Matt Williams (Families Minister)
Rachel Shelton (Youth Minister)
Becky Maness (Lay Eucharistic Visitors - LEV & Stephen Ministry)
Church Office:
(704) 366-3034
Mon-Thur: 9am-4pm
A Note about Confidentiality:
Our Covenant with You
(Take it seriously — we do.)
We take confidentiality very seriously. The information that is privately shared with clergy and trained laity is highly sensitive because of the vulnerability of the person in need and the trust they place in the hands of those from whom they seek help. Nobody is entitled to your information but the people with whom you choose to share it. It is only with your permission/consent, that clergy or laity share any information, paying close attention and taking great care even with each other. Do not be alarmed if ministers are not forthcoming with details, if at all. Trust mishandled is very difficult to rebuild.
For you, the parishioner — We respect and honor that people differ in their desire to receive visitors and have information shared with others. Please feel at liberty to make it clear to the pastoral ministry you would like to receive, what your wishes are. We’re here for you…to respect your dignity above any other concern (BCP, Baptismal Covenant).
A Note About Hospitals — Parishes are NOT notified by hospitals of your presence, reason for being there, or your condition. Therefore, in order to receive a visit in the hospital, you must inform the clergy or minister directly. Let us know of your needs.

Contact: The Rev. Deacon Wendy Merrill
What is Stephen Ministry?
A proven and effective way to organize, equip, and support a team of congregation members, called Stephen Ministers, to provide high quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties.
Why the name Stephen?
In Acts 6, Stephen was among those chosen to provide caring ministry to those in need. Since Jesus’ time, caring ministry has been a hallmark of the Christian faith community.
What is the Stephen Ministries organization?
Stephen Ministries is a not-for-profit Christian education organization founded in 1975. Its headquarters is in St. Louis, Missouri. Its mission is to “equip God’s people for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12)
In what types of situations do Stephen Ministers provide care?Stephen Ministers provide care to individuals facing difficult times in life – grief, cancer, divorce, financial difficulties, hospitalization, chronic illness, job loss disability, a spiritual crisis, or other life struggles.
What does Stephen Ministry provide for our congregation?Hurting people receive distinctively Christian care when they need it mostClergy have more time for other areas of ministry. Laypeople have the opportunity to use their gifts in ministry and see God working through them.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV)
Contact: Becky Maness
LEVs provide communion to those unable to attend church on a regular basis or maybe for a prolonged season.
Sacrament of Holy Unction (anointing with holy oil/healing & Holy Communion)
Tuesday Healing Service:
Each Tuesday (12pm, Chapel) St. John’s provides a liturgy of healing, led by the parish clergy. It includes prayers, readings, a reflection, anointing with holy oil, and holy communion. Can also be administered to you at home or hospital.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession)
Contact Fr. Peter or Fr. Brad directly to set up a time and discuss your needs.

Intercessory Prayer
We have several resources whose ministry is confidential prayer. Names remain on these lists until they are notified to remove them.
Prayers of the People in Sunday bulletin
Contact: Alan Reed
Names on this list will remain for four weeks. You may also provide names at the podium located at the back of the nave. These will be added to the Prayer of the People just for that day’s liturgy.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry (IPM)
Contact: Peter Digregorio
Two prayer boxes (each located outside the nave double doors) are available with cards to complete. Simply place the card(s) in the box and a member of the IPM will discretely retrieve it. The name(s) remain on their list for three months or until notified.
Evening Prayer & Rosary Group
Contact: Jane Williams
Thursday, 5:45-6:30pm, Chapel — No previous experience with the Rosary necessary. Rosary beads, booklets of prayers and instructions are available for anyone who wishes to attend.
Meal Ministry
Contact: Nancy Joyner
Folks can struggle to prepare their own meals after surgery or rehab. If your household needs meal assistance during a time of recovery, we can help.

Altar Flowers
Altar Flower Delivery Team
Contact: Kelly Saffran
Each Sunday, parishioners have the opportunity to provide flowers for various personal reasons. After the second service, they are shared with parishioners who for health reasons were absent. If you would like to be part of our delivery team, contact Kelly Saffran who can explain the process and details.
To provide Sunday flowers: Contact: Charlotte Pfeifer
To receive Sunday flowers: Contact a member of the Pastoral Care Team.
Support Groups
Janie's Friends
Contact: Janie Wooten or Melissa Conway
Janie's Friends is a caring fellowship for widows or widowers welcoming or having support to offe. This group gathers monthly for lunch at nearby restaurants for fun, fellowship, and just being together.